Vol.22 No.4

900 林振榮、曾家琳、李佳如、王亞男、蔡明哲 柳杉紅色及黑色心材造林木物理性材質之評估 262:22(4):211-227 2008
Wood Physical Properties of Japanese Cedar Plantation with Red and Black Heartwood
901 呂志怡、南珈合、羅漢強 烏藥之小孢子發生 262:22(4):229-240 2008
Microsporogenesis in Lindera aggregate Kosterm
902 楊智凱、王亞男、黃憶汝、陳陽發 南投縣竹山鎮國民小學校園木本植物多樣性調查與分析 262:22(4):241-260 2008
Diversity Investigation and Analysis of Woody Plants in Elementary School Campus of Chu-Shan Township, Nantou County
903 南珈合、羅漢強 牛樟之花藥發育與小孢子發生 262:22(4):261-276 2008
Development of Anther and Microsporogenesis in Cinnamomum kanehirae Hayata
904 廖學誠、林鴻忠、林香(白歷)社區居民對附近森林步道的環境識覺之研究-以宜蘭縣為例 262:22(4):277-296 2008
A Study of Environmental Perception by Community Residents toward Nearby Forested Trails in the I-Lan County
905 廖文堂、王向榮、郭蘭生 台中縣荒廢農地栽植蓖麻能源作物可行性之初探 262:22(4):297-309 2008
Effects of Ring Characteristics on the Compressive Strength and Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Cinnamomum camphora and Zelkova formosana

Vol.22 No.3

894 李文馨、林群雅、呂彥廷、鄭森松、張上鎮、張惠婷 應用超臨界流體萃取柳杉材部及其抗氧化活性評估 261:22(3):141-149 2008
Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Cryptomeria japonica Wood and the Evaluation of Its Antioxidant Activity
895 邱美麗、楊增華 遊客登山安全知識之研究-插天山國家步道個案研究 261:22(3):151-168 2008
A Study on People’s Knowledge of Mountaineering Safety -A Case of the Chatianshan National Trail System
896 陳麗惠 激勃素對三個茶花品種開花之影響 261:22(3):169-176 2008
The Effect of Gibberellin on Flowering in Three Cultivars of Camellia
897 鄭欽龍、陳瑩達、陳重銘 鹿谷鄉契約林地經營集約程度之分析 261:22(3):177-185 2008
A Study on the Intensity of Use of Lease Forestlands in Lugu
898 余瑞珠、鄭森松、王亞男、鄒裕民、劉玲華、蔡僑隆、蔡景洲、江博能 土壤化學性質對烏心石生長之影響 261:22(3):187-196 2008
Effects of Soil Chemical Properties on the Growth of Michelia formosana
899 李佳如、林振榮、曾家琳、蔡明哲 樟樹及臺灣櫸的年輪特徵值對動彈性模數及抗壓強度之影響 261:22(3):197-209 2008
Using a Novel Approach to Reveal the Species/Carbon Relationship of Understory Plants in the Target Region

Vol.22 No.2

888 羅盛峰、王松永、郭佩鈺、陳克恭、郭宗欽、林茂擇、蔡明哲 柳杉真空加壓防腐處理藥液注入量與有效成分吸收量之關係 260:22(2):61-74 2008
Relationships between Impregnated Preservative Quantity and Retention of Active Threshold Ingredients of Cryptomeria japonica Wood by Using Vacuum Pressing Treatment
889 林蘭東、楊德新、曾家琳、李佳如、高毓謙、劉子棻、王松永、蔡明哲 古蹟建築木料含水率測定法之相關係數及其對超音波傳遞速度之影響 260:22(2):75-87 2008
Relationship between Moisture Contents Measured by Different Methods and Effect of Moisture Content on Ultrasonic Velocity of Wood Species Used in Listed Historical Buildings of Taiwan
890 林佩瑩、廖學誠 應用模糊德爾菲法分析高雄愛河綠廊功能之研究 260:22(2):89-106 2008
Applying the Fuzzy Delphi Method to Analyze the Greenway Functions of Lover River in Kaohsiung City
891 陳盈甫、黃金城、王亞男、劉素玲、阮巽雯 鋅金屬化竹活性碳之抑菌效果 260:22(2):107-114 2008
The Antibacterial Efficiency of Zinc Metalized Bamboo Activated Carbon
892 邱祈榮、潘麗慧、蔡維倫、張振生 台大實驗林區不同植生型之光譜資訊分析 260:22(2):117-133 2008
The Spectrum Character of Different Vegetation Types in the Experimental Forest of NTU
893 洪昆源、陳銘瑝、王秋嫻、許原瑞、高瑞卿、范義彬 新的數值分析呈現─木麻黃及相思樹下層植物之種類和碳之關係 260:22(2):135-139 2008
Using a Novel Approach to Reveal the Species/Carbon Relationship of Understory Plants in the Target Region

Vol.22 No.1

882 林梓銘、王亞男 日本女貞之微體繁殖 259:22(1):1-8 2008
Micropropagation of Ligustrum japonicum Thunb.
883 張振生、王亞男、賴彥任、梁治文、許炳修、魏聰輝 臺大實驗林溪頭營林區夏季降雨之長期趨勢 259:22(1):9-20 2008
The Long Term Trend of Summer Precipitation at Xitou Tract Experimental Forest of N. T. U.
884 鄭森松、林群雅、王亞男、許原瑞、張上鎮 臺灣土肉桂種源庫之設置-葉子精油成分與化學多態性分析 259:22(1):21-34 2008
Set-up of the Source Bank of Cinnamomum osmophloeum - Chemical Polymorphism and Composition of Leaf Essential Oils
885 梁治文、張振生、林添源、許炳修、魏聰輝、周坤賢 由溪頭入園人數探討桃芝災害重建工程效益 259:22(1):35-47 2008
Evaluation Debris Flow Rebuilt by Using the Tourist Number in Xitou after Typhoon Toraji
886 楊智凱、張千惠、周富三 臺灣新歸化植物-巴西水竹葉(鴨跖草科) 259:22(1):49-53 2008
Tradescantia fluminensis Vell. (Commelinaceae), a Naturalized Plant in Taiwan
887 胡寶元、劉啟福 黑孢塊菌與青剛櫟形成外生菌根之多樣性 259:22(1):55-60 2008
Ectomycorrhizal Diversity of Tuber melanosporum Vittadini Formed on Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Qerst