Vol.17 No.4

780 汪淮、杜明宏 聚乙二醇塗佈處理對新聞紙白度安定性之改善 242;17(4):195-203 2003
Hweig Wang and Ming-Horng Duh Polythylene Glycol (PEG) Coating on the Enhancement of Brightness Stability of Newsprint.
781 陳信泰、陳慧瑩、張慎餘、汪淮、柯淳涵 碳酸鈣沉澱法充填紙漿纖維內腔之研究 242;17(4):205-218 2003
Hsin-Tai Chen, Hui-Ying Chen Shen-Yu Chang, Hweig Wang, and Chun-Han Ko Pulp Fiber Lumen Loading by Calcium Carbonate Precipitation.
782 藍浩繁、郭蘭生、蕭英倫 填料填充纖維紙張之耐燃性 242;17(4):219-230 2003
Haw-Farn Lan, Lan-Shenge Kuo,, and Ing-Luen Shiau Flame Retardancy of Filler-Loaded Paper.
783 黃志煜、吳志鴻、張振生、葉永廉、張上鎮 製程與採收季節對茶葉抽出物抗氧化活性之影響 242;17(4):231-237 2003
Jyh-Horng Wu, Cheng-Sheng Chang, Yung-Lien Yeh, and Shang-Tzen Chang. Influence of Manufacturing Processes and Harvesting Seasons on the Antioxidant Activity of Tea Extracts.
784 莊俊逸、袁孝維、王亞男 塔塔加地區土壤之動物之初步研究 242;17(4):239-245 2003
Chun-Yi Chuan, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, and Ya-Nan Wang A Preliminary Study on Soil Animals of Tatajia Area.
785 羅漢強、陳穎宜 大葉楠之小孢子發生 242;17(4):247-257 2003
Hann-Chung Lo and Yeng-Yi Chen Microsporogenesis in Machilus japonica Var. kusanoi (Hayata) Liao.

Vol.17 No.3

774 袁孝維、謝欣怡 全民造林計畫鳥類相監測 241;17(3):133-140 2003
Hsiao-Wei Yuan and Hsin-I Hsieh Avian Fauna Monitoring of the Nationwide Reforestation Program.
775 劉儒淵、曾家琳 合歡山區步道衝擊之研究 241;17(3):141-151 2003
Ju-Yuan Liu and Chia-Lin Tseng Trial Impacts in Hohuanshan Area, Taroko National Park, Central Taiwan.
776 傅春旭、張東柱、孫銘源、胡寶元、蕭文偉 以農用燻蒸劑﹣邁隆進行褐根腐病害區之土壤燻蒸 241;17(3):153-158 2003
Chuen-Hsu Fu, Tun-Tschu Chang, Ming-Yuan Sun, Bau-Yuan Hu, and Wen-Wei Hsiao Funigation of the Brown Root rot Disease Area with Agricultural Fumigant-Dazomet.
777 范貴珠、陳儀真 土壤鹽度對苦檻藍扦插苗生長、水分狀態及葉綠素濃度之影響 241:17(3):159-169 2003
Kuei-Chu Fan and Yi-Jen Chen Effects of Soil Salinity on Growth, Water Status and Chlorophyll concentration of Myoporum bontiodes Cuttings.
778 鹿兒陽、梁治文、周瑞龍、彭靖媛、劉素玲 相鄰人工木荷、杉木、孟宗竹林分的枯落物研究;枯落物動態 241;17(3):171-185 2003
Erh-Yang Lu, Chi-Man Leong, Ruei-Long Jhou, Jing-Yuan Peng, and Su-Ling Liou Litterfall Study on Adjacent Plantations of Schima superba, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and Phyllostachys pubescens: Litterfall Dynamics.
779 杜大治、王亞男、蕭英倫 孟宗竹在不同冠層二氧化碳固定效益之研究 241:17(3):187-194 2003
Ta-Chih Tu, Ya-Nan Wang, and Eng-Lun Shiau Efficiency of Carbon Dioxide Fixation by Phyllostachys pubescens.

Vol.17 No.2

768 王國財、王益真、蘇裕昌 粉箋與粉蠟箋耐光性之研究 240;17(2):71-76 2003
Kou-tsai Wang, I-chen Wang, and Yu-chang Su Studies on the Light-fastness of Feng-chien and Feng-la-chien.
769 鄧澤殷 商品製造人責任 240;17(2):77-86 2003
Tser Ying Teng A Study of manufacturer accountability.
770 柯淳涵、黃?裕、汪淮、陳柏昇 紙機系統抗四級銨鹽殺菌劑好氧菌株之分離與鑑定 240;17(2):87-95 2003
Chun-Han Ko, Chi-Yu Huang, Hwieg Wang, and Bo-Sheng Chen Characteristics of Quaternary Ammonium Resistant Bacteria from a Fine Papermachine System.
771 王秀華、黃貞甄、林曉洪、彭元興 陽性澱粉對輕量塗佈紙品之改善效應 240;17(2):97-106 2003
Hsiu Hwa Wang, Jen Jen Huang, Sheau Horng Lin, and Yuan Shing Perng The Effect of Cationic Starch on the Properties of Light Weight Coated Paper.
772 林蘭東 紙漿與木材聚戊醣分析方法之研究 240;17(2):107-123 2003
Lang-Dong Lin Study on the Pentosan Analysis of Pulp and Wood.
773 郭蘭生 影響印刷紙平滑度之因子 240;17(2):125-131 2003
Lan-sheng Kuo Factors Affecting the Smoothness of Printing Paper.

Vol.17 No.1

762 李國忠、蔡劍輝、賴建興 都市森林環境價值的評估尺度 239;17(1):1-10 2003
Kouchung J. Lee, Jian-Hui Cai and Jian-Xing Lai The Valuation Metric of Environmental Values of Urban Forests.
763 陳信雄、吳佐川、林麗英 治山防災工程考量因子分析之研究 239;17(1):11-24 2003
Hsin-Hsiung Chen, Tzuoo-Chuan Wu, and Li-Ying Lin A Study on Consideration Factors for Watershed Conservation and Disaster Prevention.
764 林靖惠、關秉宗、林世宗、俞秋豐 棲蘭山臺灣?樹繁殖枝條葉部性狀之研究 239;17(1):25-32 2003
Jing-hui Lin, Biing T. Guan, Shu-Tzong Lin, and Chio-Fong Yu Attributes of Leaves on Reproductive Shoots of Taiwan Sassafras (Sassafras randaiense (Hay.) Rehder) at Chilan Shan, Northeastern Taiwan.
765 賴彥任、邱祈榮、林朝欽 長期氣象判讀在林火行為預測上之應用 238;16(4):253-267 2003
Yen-Jen Lai, Chyi-Rong Chiou and Chau-Chin Lin Application of Long-term Meteorological Data on Fire Behavior Prediction..
766 蘇鴻傑 植群分類之紛歧性與整合 238;16(4):269-282 2002
Horng-Jye Su The Diversification and Synthesis of Vegetatio Classification.
767 應紹舜 植物物種在生態工法上的應用 238;16(4):283-292 2002
Shao-shun Ying Study on Plant species used on Ecological Engineering.