Vol. 20 No. 4 Vol. 20 No. 3 Vol. 20 No. 2 Vol. 20 No. 1
Vol. 19 No. 4 Vol. 19 No. 3 Vol. 19 No. 2 Vol. 19 No. 1
Vol. 18 No. 4 Vol. 18 No. 3 Vol. 18 No. 2 Vol. 18 No. 1
Vol. 17 No. 4 Vol. 17 No. 3 Vol. 17 No. 2 Vol. 17 No. 1
Vol. 16 No. 4 Vol. 16 No. 3 Vol. 16 No. 2 Vol. 16 No. 1
Vol. 15 No. 4 Vol. 15 No. 3 Vol. 15 No. 2 Vol. 15 No. 1
Vol. 20 No. 4
322 陳美惠、李來錫、林晉戎 社區領導人對於社區林業計畫執行 影響之研究 254:20(4):227-241 2006
Impacts of Community Leaders on Executing Community Forestry Projects
323 蔡書玄、張長義 社區參與生態旅遊-以陽明山國家公園魚路 古道結合八煙社區為例- 254:20(4):243-259 2006
Community Participation In Ecotourism -A Case Study of Incorporating the Fish Road Historic Trail and Bayan Community in the Yangmingshan National Park-
324 陳冠曲、林喻東 溪頭森林遊樂區遊客遊憩體驗、滿意度與行 為意向關係之研究 254:20(4):261-277 2006
A Study of Relationship among Recreation Experience, Satisfaction and Behavior Intention in Xitou Forest Recreational Area
325 林文隆、曾惠芸、曾啟政 蛇類體長的量測:快速、精確與安 全的電腦影像處理技術 254:20(4):279-283 2006
Fast, Accurate and Safe Measurement of Snake Body Length by Computer Image Analysis
326 宋晨寧、蕭英倫、林喻東 社區植樹綠美化政策宣導及政策參 與之研究 254:20(4):285-297 2006
Policy Promotion and Participation of Community Tree Planting and Revegetation
327 李金玲、黃憶汝、沈介文、劉婉霞 溪頭柳杉人工林林下植群 恢復研究 254:20(4):299- 307 2006
Study on the Recovery of Understory Vegetation of Cryptomeria japonica Plantations in Xitou, Central Taiwan

Vol. 20 No. 3
316 林國銓、杜清澤、徐嘉君、黃菊美 六龜試驗林亞熱帶天然闊 葉林地上部碳貯存量之估算 253;20(3):153-164 2006
Aboveground Carbon Accumulation of Subtropical Natural Broadleaf Forests in the Liukuei Experimental Forest of Southern Taiwan
317 何坤益、張景富 台灣西部溪流構樹之遺傳結構與水系棲地關 係 253;20(3):165-174 2006
Relationship Between Population Genetic Structure and Riparian Habitats of Broussonetia papyrifera Vent. on The Western Taiwan
318 林達瑤、林喻東、林松村 國家森林解說志工參與解說服務動 機與工作滿意度之研究-以新竹林區管理處為例 253;20(3):175-190 2006
The Motivation and Satisfaction of the Voluntarily Participated Interpretation Service -A Case Study of Hsinchu Forest District Office
319 黃俊源、林喻東 特有生物研究保育中心解說志工教育訓練、 學習與解說成效之研究 253;20(3):191-203 2006
A Study on the Interpretation Effectiveness from the Training and Learning of the Voluntary Interpreters at the Endemic Species Research Institute
320 孫岩章、林秀穗、謝煥儒 茶白紋羽病及其病原菌 253;20(3):205-213 2006
Morphological and Physiological Characterization of Dematophora necatrix Isolates from Camellia sinensis
321 Chien-Jen Wang, Hann-Chung Lo 253;20(3):215- 225 2006
Microsporogenesis and Microgametogenesis in Reevesia formosana Sprague

Vol. 20 No. 2
310 古喬云、張惠婷、張上鎮 化學改質處理對木材耐腐朽性之改 善效果 252;20(2):77-85 2006
Improvement of Decay Resistance of Wood by Chemical Modification
311 謝欣怡、李金玲、黃憶汝、袁孝維 鳳凰自然教育園區野生脊 椎動物及植物之多樣性 252;20(2):87-97 2006
Species Diversity of Wildlife at Feng Haung Nature Education Area
312 詹明勳、王亞男、高毓謙、陳勁豪、林金樹、蕭文偉 樹木目 視評估危險度及健康度-以台中縣市老樹為例 252;20(2):99-116 2006
Application of Tree Visual Assessment for Failure and Health Evaluation–A case study of Aged Trees in Taichung City and County
313 蕭文偉、王亞男、陳重銘、陳潔音、朱珮綺、詹明勳 鳳凰自 然教育園區「茶科學與文化」教育研習之成果分析 252;20(2):117-124 2006
Benefit Analysis of Tea Science and Culture Workshop at Fenghuang Nature Education Area
314 蔡國書、王亞男 大葉桉以玻璃質化法進行超低溫保存之研究 252;20(2):125-131 2006
Cryopreservation of Eucalyptus robusta by Vitrification Technique
315 劉啟斌、葉慶龍、陳子英 恆春半島天然植群分類系統 252;20(2):133- 152 2006
Natural Vegetation Classification System of the Hengchun Peninsula

Vol. 20 No. 1
304 衛強 以多期遙測衛星影像監測臺大實驗林溪頭營林區三處崩 塌地災害 251;20(1):1-14 2006
Monitoring the 1Change of Three Landslide Sites in Xitou Tract of NTU Experimental Forest by Using Multi-temporal Satellite Images
305 林曉洪、王秀華 雁皮蘇打法製漿與漂白之研究 251;20(1):15-29 2006
The Study of Pulping Process and Bleaching of Gampi (Winstroemia silkokiana)
306 鄭曉雲、應紹舜 台灣的艷紅鹿子百合生物學之研究 251;20(1):31-43 2006
Biological Study of Lilium speciosum Thunb. var. gloriosoides Baker of Taiwan
307 王亞男、孫岩章、蕭文偉、陳潔音、陳重銘 過江藤之白絹病 251;20(1):45-50 2006
Southern blight of Greene Verbenaceae
308 史育禎、張長義、蔡博文 社區林業作為部落自然資源管理之 想像-新竹縣尖石鄉司馬庫斯部落個案研究 251;20(1):51-64 2006
The Examination of the Community Forestry Project for Community-based Natural Resource Management-A Case of the Indigenous Smangus Tribe
309 許崑衍、李明仁 叢枝菌根菌Acaulospora scrobiculata對羅 氏鹽膚木苗木生理特性之效應 251;20(1):65-76 2006
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Acaulospora scrobiculata on Physiological Characteristics of Rhus chinensis var. roxburghii Seedlings

Vol. 19 No. 4
298 吳孟玲、莊鈴木、傅春旭、葛兆年、張東柱 應用放線菌生 物製劑防治林木幼苗猝倒病害之探討 250;19(4):251-260 2005
Application of borrelidin from Streptomyces candidus on biocontrol of tree seedling damping-off diseases
299 王松永、張上鎮、陳勁豪、鄭森松、林法勤、洪崇彬 桃芝 颱風所引起土石流對人工林台灣杉性質之影響 250;19(4):261-270 2005
Influence of Taiwania Plantation Trees Properties by Toraji Typhoon Debris Flow
300 陳麗琴、林俊成、張新儀、劉瓊霦 台灣地區森林遊憩經濟 價值之效益移轉 250;19(4):271-280 2005
Benefit Transfer of Forest Recreation Use Values in Taiwan
301 邱祈榮、林鴻忠、王筱萱 林美石磐步道暑期遊客滿意度之 研究 50;19(4):281-292 2005
A Study of Visitors’ Satisfaction on Lin-Mei Stone Trail during Summer Vacation
302 王松永、張豐丞、李怡真、楊賜霖、林法勤 柳杉疏伐木有 效利用之探討 250;19(4):293-300 2005
The Study on the Effective Utilization of Japanese Cedar Thinned Logs
303 吳俊賢、陳溢宏、林俊成、許秋雁 私有林農對國土復育策 略方案暨行動計畫之意向分析—以南投縣為例 250;19(4):301-314 2005
Inclination Analyses of Private Forest Owners Towards Public Land Restoration Strategy and Action Plan—A Case Study in Nan-touCounty

Vol. 19 No. 3
292 陳信雄、張振生、魏聰輝 溪頭地區地震及颱風災害跡地土 壤熱傳導係數之探討 249;19(3):177-186 2005
Base Study on Soil Thermal Conductivity on Earthquake and Typhoon Disaster Place at Shitou Area.
293 蘇明洲、高慧蓮 屏東市國民中學校園內草本植物調查與分 析 249;19(3):187-206 2005
Investigation and Analysis of Herbaceous Plants on Junior High School Campuses of PingtungCity.
294 詹明勳、曾郁珊、蔡明哲、高毓謙、李佳韋、郭佩鈺、黃憶 汝 三種非破壞檢測儀器應用於柳杉造林木立木材之評估 249;19(3):207-216 2005
Property Evaluation of the Plantation Trees (Japanese cedar) by using three Nondestructive Testing Techniques.
295 蕭怡茹、王立志 烏來地區次生闊葉林、桂竹人工林、柳杉 人工林之枯落物動態 249;19(3):217-230 2005
Litterfall Dynamics of A SecondaryHardwoodForest, Plantations of Japanese Fir and Makino Bamboo in Wulai Area.
296 鹿兒陽、朱珮綺、劉育延、李治逸、許崑衍、彭靖媛、李金 玲 台大實驗林溪頭崩塌地定殖植物之特性研究 249;19(3):231-238 2005
Characteristics of Colonizers on the Landslide of Xitou, Experimental Forest, NationalTaiwanForest .
297 高毓謙、林振榮、林達德、蔡明哲 多路徑超音波斷面影像 技術評估柳杉人造孔洞之研究 249;19(3):239-250 2005
Evaluation of Artificial Holes in Cryptomeria japonica by Ultrasonic Tomography Technique .

Vol. 19 No. 2
286 袁孝維、丁宗蘇、盧道杰、謝欣怡 森林生態系經營示範區 鳥類群聚監測 248;19(2):77-88 2005
Monitoring Avian Community Composition in Forest Ecosystem Management Demonstration Areas .
287 張森永、應紹舜、劉儒淵、曾家琳 東北角草嶺古道沿線植 群與土壤衝擊之研究 248;19(2):89-102 2005
Trampling Impacts on Vegetation and Soil along Tsaoling Historic Trail in NortheastCoast of Taiwan.
288 李侑珍、盧道杰、李國忠 高雄市壽山自然公園的建制過程 與初期規劃經驗 248;19(2):103-132 2005
The Establishing Process of the Shou- ShanNaturalPark and Its Experiences at Initiative Planning Stage.. Yu-Chen Lee, Dau-Jye Lul, Kouchung J. Lee.
289 邱祈榮、黃名媛、葉名容、江玲怡 台大實驗林經營計畫目 標形成之研究 248;19(2):133-146 2005
A study on shaping goals of management plan for NTU experimental forest .
290 鹿兒陽、朱珮綺、沈介文、彭靖媛 台大實驗林神木溪保護 林闊葉林及竹林枯落物動態研究 248;19(2):147-16 2005
Litterfall dynamics in natural hardwood forest and its adjacent bamboo plantation in Shenmuhsi Forest Reserve of the ExperimentalForest, NationalTaiwanUniversity .
291 魏聰輝、張振生、陳信雄 塔塔加地區降雪期間之熱量收支 248;19(2):161-176 2005
Characteristics of Snow Heat Budget at Tatachia Area .

Vol. 19 No. 1
280 丁憲中、應紹舜 西勢水庫集水區植群分析之研究 247;19(1):1-16 2005
Study on the Vegetation at the Watershed of His-Shih Reservoir, Keelung, Taiwan .
281 胡寶元、謝煥儒、姚瑞禎、傳春旭 數種土壤真菌對嘉磷塞 忍受性之研究 247;19(1):17-24 2005
Study on the Tolerance of Some Soil Fungi to Glyphosate .
282 陳基發、李國忠、邱祈榮 應用衝突管理於策略規劃之研究 -南投縣內湖國小遷校個案 247;19(1):25-42 2005
A Research on Strategic Planning by Applying the Theory of Conflict Management---Relocation of Nay-Hu Elementary School in Nan-Tou County Case Study.
283 吳俊賢、林俊成、李國忠、陳溢宏、林麗貞、林瑞進 森林 能源作物之二氧化碳吸存效果與能源產出效率 247;19(1):43-54 2005
The Effect of Carbon Sequestration and Energy Production Efficiency for Forest Energy Crops in Taiwan.
284 羅漢強、黃子銘 青剛櫟之小孢子發生 247;19(1):55-68 2005
Microsporogenesis in Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst.
285 王素芬、鄭祈全、張哲彰 應用生態系經營決策支援系統於 野生動物棲地適宜性之評估 247;19(1):69-76 2005
Applying Ecosystem Management Decision Support System on Wildlife Habitat Suitability Assessment.
Vol. 18 No. 4
274 傅國銘、歐辰雄、呂福原 丹大地區植群之研究 246;18(4):247-260 2004
Kuo-Ming Fu, Chern-Hsiung Ou, and Fu-Yuan Lu Vegetation of Dan-da Region.
275 李國忠、林俊成、賴建興、林麗貞 台大實驗森林生態系不 同林分經營策略之碳貯存效果 246;18(4);261-272 2004
Kou-Chung J. Lee, Jiunn-Cheng Lin, Chain-Shen Lain, and Li-Chen Lin Carbon Sequestration Effects in Different Forest Ecosystem Management Scenarios in Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University.
276 邱祈榮、賴彥任、陳信雄 以魚眼影像進行全天光空域模式 之驗証 246;18(4):273-283 2004
Chyi-Rong Chiou, Yen-Jen Lai, and Hsin-Hsiung Chen The Validation of Whole Light Sky Space Model by Fisheye Photographs.
277 胡大中、應紹舜 明德水庫集水區次生林植群之研究 246;18(4):303-319 2004
Da-Chung Hu and Shao-Shun Ying Study on the Secondary Forest Vegetation in the Watershed of Ming-De Reservoir.
278 鹿兒陽、張愛華、呂德霖 三個相鄰人工林分主要樹種葉部 養分研究 236;16(2):123-134 2004
Erh-Yang Lu, Ay-Hwa Chang, and Te-Lin Lu Foliar Nutrients of Major Tree Species and Nutrient Return by Litterfall in Three Adjacent Plantations.
279 傅春旭、謝煥儒、陳麗琴、胡寶元  以植物抗病活化劑BT H防治月橘白粉病之效果評估 246;18(4):321-327 2004
Chuen-Hsu Fu, Huann-Ju Hsieh, Lih-Chin, and Bao-Yuan Hu Protection of Common Jasmin Orange (Murraya paniculata) Plants from Powdery mildew with BTH, the Plant Defence Activator Acibenzolar-S-Methyl.

Vol. 18 No. 3
268 蘇鴻傑、劉靜榆  論植相社會學之植群分類法 245;18(3):129-151 2004
Horng-Jye Su and Ching-Yu Liou The Floristic-sociological Approach of Vegetation Classification.
269 陳益明  臺灣北部楠櫧林帶柳杉林下層植群恢復之研究 245;18(3):153-170 2004
Yi-Ming Chen Study on the Recovery of the Understory Vegetation in Cryptomeria japonica Plantations in Machilus-Castanopsis Forest Zone, Northern Taiwan.
270 陳子英  蘭陽溪的植群分類系統之研究 245;18(3):171-206 2004
Tze-Ying Chen Vegetation classification system in Lanyang River Valley Summary.
271 蘇鴻傑 植群之多樣性及多樣化之分類法 245;18(3):207-219 2004
Horng-Jye Su Vegetation Diversity and Diversified Approaches of Classification.
272 俞秋豐、陳子英、蘇鴻傑 台灣東北氣候區森林植群龐大資 料組之二階段分析法 245;18(3);221-228 2004
Chiou-Feng Yu, Tze-Ying Chen, and Horng-Jey Su Two-step Forest Vegetation Analysis Based on Large Data Sets in Northeastern Taiwan.
273 葉慶龍、陳子英、宋梧魁 南仁山區相思樹人工林於演替序 列上物種多樣性之研究 245;18(3):229-246 2004
Ching-Long Yeh, Tze-Ying Chen, and Wu-Kwei Song Study on the Diversity Along the Sere of Acacia confusa Plantations in Nanjenshan Area.

Vol. 18 No. 2
262 陳建璋、邱祈榮、王亞男、梁治文 應用地理資訊系統技術 於造林地之管理﹣以台大實驗林口溪頭營林區為例 244;18(2):51-64 2004
Jian-Zhang Chen, Chyi-Rong Chiou, Ya-Nan Wang, and Chi-Man Leong Application of Geographic Information System on Plantation Management – An Illustration of Xitou Tract.
263 陳美惠、袁孝維、林曜松 台灣地區環頸雉遺傳組成多樣性 和族群遺傳結構 244;18(2):77-84 2004
Mei-Hui Chen, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, and Yao-Sung Lin Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Structure of the Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) in Taiwan.
264 王素芬、鄭祈全、陳永寬、張哲彰  數學規劃於林地分級決 策支援系統之應用 245;18(3):171-206 2004
Su-Fen Wang, Chi-Chuan Chang, Yeong-Kuan, Chen, and Che-Chang Chang Application of mathematic programming method in forestland classification decision support system.
265 沈介文、劉興旺、郭幸榮  五種台灣原生闊葉樹種苗木於不 同光度下之葉部形態與解剖性狀之改變 244;18(2):85-99 2004
Jay-Wen Sen, Shing-Wang Liou, and Shing-Rong Kuo Seedling Morphological Changes of Five Native Broad-leaved Tree Species of Taiwan Grown under Different Light Intensities.
266 陳潔音、顏江河 菌根於重金屬污染土壤之復育效應 244;18(2):101-113 2004
Chieh-Yin Chen and Chiang-Her Yen Effect of Mycorrhizae on Heavy-Metal Contaminated Land Remediation.
267 周富三 台灣西南部荖濃溪下游次生林與人工林之植物組成 與序列植被類型 244;18(2):115-127 2004
Fu-Shan Chou Floristic Composition and Seral Vegetation Types of Secondary
Forests and Plantations iin Downstream of the Lao-Nung Creek, Southwestern Taiwan.

Vol. 18 No. 1
256 袁孝維、謝欣怡、沈聖峰 梅峰地區不同演替階段棲地鳥類 相調查 243;18(1):1-7 2004
Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Hsin-I Hsieh, and Sheng- Feng Shen Avifauna of Different Succession Stages at MeiFeng Area.
257 王亞男、蕭文偉、林瑞進、沈介文、李金玲、黃淑玲 長喙 殼菌對六種針葉樹樹苗及杉木致病性之研究 243 ;18(1):9-12 2004
Ya-Nan Wang, Wen-Wei Hsiao, Ray-Jin Lin, Jay-Wen Sen, Chin-Ling Lee, and Shu-Ling Huang. The Study of Pathogenicity of Ophiostoma querci to Six Conifer Tree Seedlings and Chinese Fir.
258 盧道杰 台灣現地保育的治理 ﹣1990年以來一些新興個案的 回顧 243;18(1):13-27 2004
Dau-Jye Lu Governance of in situ conservation in Taiwan- A Revtiew of Alternative cases since 1990.
259 蔡育倫、袁孝維、陳寶忠、楊翕雯 木柵山區台灣穿山甲 (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla)野外棲地初探 243;18(1):29-34 2004
Yu-Luen Tsai, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Pao-Chung Wang, and Hsing-hui Wu Preliminary Study on the Habitat of the Taiwan Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) at Muchia Area.
260 莊俊逸、王亞男、王明光、吳星輝 塔塔加高山地區鐵杉、 玉山箭竹及草原表土之物理與化學性質比較 243;18(1):35-40 2004
Chun-Yi Chuan, Ya-Nan Wang, Ming-Kuang Wang, and Hsing-hui Wu Comparison of Physical and Chemical Properties of Surface Soils Grown with Tsuga chinensis var. formosana, Yushania niitakayamensis and Miscanthus sinensis in Tatajia Mountin Area.
261 陳美惠、袁孝維、林曜松 台灣本土與外來亞種環頸雉族群 形質測量分析 243;18(1):41-50 2004
Mei-Hui Chen, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, and Yao-Sung Lin Morphometric Analysis of the Taiwan Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus formosanus) and Imported Ring-necked Pheasant.

Vol. 17 No. 4
250 汪淮、杜明宏 聚乙二醇塗佈處理對新聞紙白度安定性之改善 242;17(4):195-203 2003
Hweig Wang and Ming-Horng Duh Polythylene Glycol (PEG) Coating on the Enhancement of Brightness Stability of Newsprint.
251 陳信泰、陳慧瑩、張慎餘、汪淮、柯淳涵 碳酸鈣沉澱法充填 紙漿纖維內腔之研究 242;17(4):205-218 2003
Hsin-Tai Chen, Hui-Ying Chen Shen-Yu Chang, Hweig Wang, and Chun-Han Ko Pulp Fiber Lumen Loading by Calcium Carbonate Precipitation.
252 藍浩繁、郭蘭生、蕭英倫 填料填充纖維紙張之耐燃性 242;17(4):219-230 2003
Haw-Farn Lan, Lan-Shenge Kuo,, and Ing- Luen Shiau Flame Retardancy of Filler-Loaded Paper.
253 黃志煜、吳志鴻、張振生、葉永廉、張上鎮 製程與採收季節 對茶葉抽出物抗氧化活性之影響 242;17(4):231-237 2003
Jyh-Horng Wu, Cheng-Sheng Chang, Yung-Lien Yeh, and Shang-Tzen Chang. Influence of Manufacturing Processes and Harvesting Seasons on the Antioxidant Activity of Tea Extracts.
254 莊俊逸、袁孝維、王亞男 塔塔加地區土壤之動物之初步研究 242;17(4):239-245 2003
Chun-Yi Chuan, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, and Ya-Nan Wang A Preliminary Study on Soil Animals of Tatajia Area.
255 羅漢強、陳穎宜 大葉楠之小孢子發生 242;17(4):247-257 2003
Hann-Chung Lo and Yeng-Yi Chen Microsporogenesis in Machilus japonica Var. kusanoi (Hayata) Liao.

Vol. 17 No. 3
244 袁孝維、謝欣怡 全民造林計畫鳥類相監測 241;17(3):133-140 2003
Hsiao-Wei Yuan and Hsin-I Hsieh Avian Fauna Monitoring of the Nationwide Reforestation Program.
245 劉儒淵、曾家琳 合歡山區步道衝擊之研究 241;17(3):141-151 2003
Ju-Yuan Liu and Chia-Lin Tseng Trial Impacts in Hohuanshan Area, Taroko National Park, Central Taiwan.
246 傅春旭、張東柱、孫銘源、胡寶元、蕭文偉 以農用燻蒸劑﹣ 邁隆進行褐根腐病害區之土壤燻蒸 241;17(3):153-158 2003
Chuen-Hsu Fu, Tun-Tschu Chang, Ming-Yuan Sun, Bau-Yuan Hu, and Wen-Wei Hsiao Funigation of the Brown Root rot Disease Area with Agricultural Fumigant-Dazomet.
247 范貴珠、陳儀真 土壤鹽度對苦檻藍扦插苗生長、水分狀態及 葉綠素濃度之影響 241:17(3):159-169 2003
Kuei-Chu Fan and Yi-Jen Chen Effects of Soil Salinity on Growth, Water Status and Chlorophyll concentration of Myoporum bontiodes Cuttings.
248 鹿兒陽、梁治文、周瑞龍、彭靖媛、劉素玲 相鄰人工木荷、 杉木、孟宗竹林分的枯落物研究;枯落物動態 241;17(3):171-185 2003
Erh-Yang Lu, Chi-Man Leong, Ruei-Long Jhou, Jing-Yuan Peng, and Su-Ling Liou Litterfall Study on Adjacent Plantations of Schima superba, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and Phyllostachys pubescens: Litterfall Dynamics.
249 杜大治、王亞男、蕭英倫 孟宗竹在不同冠層二氧化碳固定效 益之研究 241:17(3):187-194 2003
Ta-Chih Tu, Ya-Nan Wang, and Eng-Lun Shiau Efficiency of Carbon Dioxide Fixation by Phyllostachys pubescens.

Vol. 17 No. 2
238 王國財、王益真、蘇裕昌 粉箋與粉蠟箋耐光性之研究 240;17(2):71-76 2003
Kou-tsai Wang, I-chen Wang, and Yu-chang Su Studies on the Light-fastness of Feng-chien and Feng-la-chien.
239 鄧澤殷 商品製造人責任 240;17(2):77-86 2003
Tser Ying Teng A Study of manufacturer accountability.
240 柯淳涵、黃?裕、汪淮、陳柏昇 紙機系統抗四級銨鹽殺菌劑 好氧菌株之分離與鑑定 240;17(2):87-95 2003
Chun-Han Ko, Chi-Yu Huang, Hwieg Wang, and Bo-Sheng Chen Characteristics of Quaternary Ammonium Resistant Bacteria from a Fine Papermachine System.
241 王秀華、黃貞甄、林曉洪、彭元興 陽性澱粉對輕量塗佈紙品 之改善效應 240;17(2):97-106 2003
Hsiu Hwa Wang, Jen Jen Huang, Sheau Horng Lin, and Yuan Shing Perng The Effect of Cationic Starch on the Properties of Light Weight Coated Paper.
242 林蘭東 紙漿與木材聚戊醣分析方法之研究 240;17(2):107-123 2003
Lang-Dong Lin Study on the Pentosan Analysis of Pulp and Wood.
243 郭蘭生 影響印刷紙平滑度之因子 240;17(2):125-131 2003
Lan-sheng Kuo Factors Affecting the Smoothness of Printing Paper.

Vol. 17 No. 1
232 李國忠、蔡劍輝、賴建興 都市森林環境價值的評估尺度 239;17(1):1-10 2003
Kouchung J. Lee, Jian-Hui Cai and Jian- Xing Lai The Valuation Metric of Environmental Values of Urban Forests.
233 陳信雄、吳佐川、林麗英 治山防災工程考量因子分析之研 究 239;17(1):11-24 2003
Hsin-Hsiung Chen, Tzuoo-Chuan Wu, and Li-Ying Lin A Study on Consideration Factors for Watershed Conservation and Disaster Prevention.
234 林靖惠、關秉宗、林世宗、俞秋豐 棲蘭山台灣?樹繁殖枝條 葉部性狀之研究 239;17(1):25-32 2003
Jing-hui Lin, Biing T. Guan, Shu-Tzong Lin, and Chio-Fong Yu Attributes of Leaves on Reproductive Shoots of Taiwan Sassafras (Sassafras randaiense (Hay.) Rehder) at Chilan Shan, Northeastern Taiwan.
235 賴彥任、邱祈榮、林朝欽 長期氣象判讀在林火行為預測上之 應用 238;16(4):253-267 2003
Yen-Jen Lai, Chyi-Rong Chiou and Chau- Chin Lin Application of Long-term Meteorological Data on Fire Behavior Prediction..
236 蘇鴻傑 植群分類之紛歧性與整合 238;16(4):269-282 2002
Horng-Jye Su The Diversification and Synthesis of Vegetatio Classification.
237 應紹舜 植物物種在生態工法上的應用 238;16(4):283-292 2002
Shao-shun Ying Study on Plant species used on Ecological Engineering.

Vol. 16 No. 4
226 陳信雄、賴彥任 SWBM模式在水文時空分佈特性的模擬及應用 238;16(4):215-227 2002
Hsin-Hsiung Chen and Yen-Jen Lai Simulation and Application of SWBM Model In Hydrological Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics.
227 陳永寬、成晨光、林長青、梁治文 台大實驗林生態系經營 區劃 238;16(4):229-239 2002
Yeong-Kuan Chen, Chen-Kuang Cheng, Cnahg-Ching Lin and Raymond Leong Forest Management Zoning for Ecosystem Management of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University.
228 林文龍、羅漢強、王明光、陳永寬 台灣油杉生育地土壤理化 特性 238;16(4):241-252 2002
Wen-Long Lin, Hann-Chung Lo, Ming-Kuang Wang and Yeong-Kuan Chen Characterization of soil physical and chemical properties of Keteleeria davidiana var. formosana plots..
229 賴彥任、邱祈榮、林朝欽 長期氣象判讀在林火行為預測上之 應用 238;16(4):253-267 2002
Yen-Jen Lai, Chyi-Rong Chiou and Chau- Chin Lin Application of Long-term Meteorological Data on Fire Behavior Prediction..
230 蘇鴻傑 植群分類之紛歧性與整合 238;16(4):269-282 2002
Horng-Jye Su The Diversification and Synthesis of Vegetatio Classification.
231 應紹舜 植物物種在生態工法上的應用 238;16(4):283-292 2002
Shao-shun Ying Study on Plant species used on Ecological Engineering.

Vol. 16 No. 3
220 鍾年鈞、許再文 台灣爵床的新紀錄種—塊莖蘆利草 237;16(3):145-149 2002
Tsai-Wen Hsu and Nien-June Chung Ruellia tuberose L. (Acanthaceae), a naturalized species in Taiwan.
221 陳昭明、楊宏志 公眾參與森林經營之過程初探:以林務機 關的立場看阿里山神木倒伏案處理過程 237;16(3):151-163 2002
Chen Chaw-Ming and Yang Hung-Chih Public Participation in Forest Management:View of Taiwan Forestry Bureau on the Management Procedure of Alishan Great Tree.
222 黃文樹、林登秋 霧與環境生態研究之探討 237;16(3):165-177 2002
Wen-Shu Huang and Ten-Chiu Lin Fog and Studies of Environmental Ecology: A Review.
223 林昱廷、陳勁豪、王松永 纖維飽和點以上含水率對萌蘗林與 實生林杉木之超音波速及動彈性係數之影響 237;16(3):179-200 2002
Li-Ting Lin, Jin-Hau Chen and Song-Yung Wang Effects of Moisture Content above Fiber Saturation Point on Ultrasonic Wave Velocity and Dynamic Elastic Modulud in China-fir Established from Sprouting and Seedling.
224 袁孝維、傅淑瑋、鄧偉雄、林瑞進 溪頭地區松鼠防治補捉評 估及遊客問卷調查 237;16(3):187-200 2002
Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Shu-Wei Fu, Wei-Houng Tang and Lei-Chin Lin Evaluation of the Squirrel Control and Questionnaire Survey in Xitou Area.
225 陳子英、俞秋豐、宋梧魁、程宗德 宜蘭東北區之山地植群 多變數分析 237;16(3):201-214 2002
Tze-Ying Chen, Chiou-Feng Yu, Wu-Kwei Sonq and Tzong-Der Cherng Multivariate Analysis of Montane Vegetation in Northeastern Ilan.

Vol. 16 No. 2
214 林裕仁、李國忠、林俊成 生物量與材積關係式推估台灣地區 森林林木碳貯存量之研究 236;16(2):71-80 2002
Yu-jen Lin, Kuochung J. Lee and Jiunn- cheng Lin Forest Carbon Sink Estimation for Taiwan by Biomass-Volume Relationship Method
215 楊宏志、陳昭明 林業經營環境的衝突與解決 236;16(2):81-94 2002
Yang Hung-Chih and Chen Chaw-Ming The Environmental Conflict of Forest Management and Its Resolution
216 黃正良、廖學誠、陳明杰、金恆鑣、陸象豫 蓮華池試驗林 森林水文研究之回顧分析 236;16(2):95-114 2002
Jeen-Lian Hwong, Shyue-Cherng Liaw,Ming-Chieh Chen, Hen-Biau King and Shiang-Yue Lu Review and Analysis of Forest Hydrological Researches in the Lien-hua-chi Experimental Forest
217 杜大治、王亞男、王明光 溪頭地區孟宗竹根圈與本體土壤 理化性質之分析與碳-13核磁共振光譜之探討 236;16(2):115-122 2002
Ta-Chih Tu, Ya-Nan Wang and Ming-Kwang Wang 13C Nuclear Magnetic Spectroscopy Analyses of Phyllostachys Pubescens, Rhizosphere and Bulk Soils at Xitou Region
218 曾建貴、沈介文、王亞男 賀伯風災豪雨所引發災害之特性 236;16(2):123-134 2002
C.K. Tseng, C.W. Shen and Y.N. Wang Characteristics of hazards induced by extremely heavy rainfall in Central Taiwan-Typhoon Herb
219 王培蓉、鄭欽龍 台灣民眾對不同森林經營方式的認知與評 價之分析 237;16(3):201-214 2002
Pei-Jung Wang and Chinlong Zheng  An Analysis of the Public's Perception and Valuing on Different Forest Management Practices in Taiwan.

Vol. 16 No. 1
208 李國忠、邱祈榮、呂芳留 臺大實驗林地登記管理問題之探 討 235;16(1):1-14 2002
Kouchung J.Lee, Chyi-Rong Chiou and Fangliou Leu A Study of The Cadastre and Management of Forestland in the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University.
209 鹿兒陽、葉永廉 臺大實驗林所屬茶園與鄰近林地土壤性質 之比較 235;16(1):15-26 2002
Erh-Yang Lu and Yung-Lien Yeh Comparison of Soil Properties between Tea Plantations and Neighboring Woodlands of Experimental Forest, National Taiwan University
210 林麗貞、李國忠、陳?蒼、劉儒淵 溪頭森林遊樂區影響鹿谷 地區產業發展之研究 235;16(1):27-36 2002
Li-Chen Lee, Kouchung J. Lee, Bor-Tsang Chen and Ju-Yuan Liu Influence Analysis of Xitou Forest Recreation Area on the Development of Local Industries in Luku County
211 江凱楹、陳子浩、王亞男、劉興旺 溪頭地區七種林相之地 被物與土壤物理化學性質調查 235;16(1):37-44 2002
Ksi-Ying Chiang, Tzyy-Hau Chen, Ya-Nan Wang and Shing-Wang Liou Ground covers and Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Seven Forest Stands of Xitou
212 胡弘道、林瑞進、林麗貞 青剛櫟外生菌根苗在貧瘠地造林 之研究 235;16(1):45-60 2002
Hu, Hung-Tao, Lei-Chin Lin and Li-Chen Lin Study on Ectomycorrhizal Seedlings Planted in the Infertile Soils
213 陳信雄、魏聰輝 塔塔加高山生態系土壤熱擴散係數之研究 235;16(1):61-144 2002
Hsin-Hsiung Chen and Tsong-Huei Wey The Studies on Soil Thermal Diffusivity in Tatachia Alpine Ecosystem

Vol. 15 No. 4
202 袁孝維 南投縣沙里仙自然教育中心預定地鳥類對棲地之利 用 234;15(4):237-248 2001
Yuan, Hsiao-Wei Habitat Usage by Birds at the Proposed Shalishian Nature Education Center, Nantou County, Taiwan
203 劉儒淵、陳嘉男、賴明洲 奧萬大森林遊樂區步道衝擊之研 究 234;15(4):249-272 2001
Liu,Ju-Yuan & Chen,Chia-Nan & Lai,Ming-Jou Trail Impacts in Auwanta Forest Recreation Area, Central Taiwan
204 蘇明洲 屏東市高中職校園木本植物調查與分析 234;15(4):273-290 2001
Su,Ming-Chou The Investigation and Analysis of Woody Plants in Campus of High Schools in Pingtung City, Southern Taiwan
205 陳信雄、邱祈榮、黃筱梅 SPOT衛星影像於裸露地變遷之偵 測研究 234;15(4):291-302 2001
Chen,Hsin-Hsiun & Chiou Chyi-Rong & Huang,Hsiao-Mei The Study of the Application of SPOT Image on Detecting the Change of Bare Area
206 成寧、王亞男 台灣鐵杉之組織培養 234;15(4):304-316 2001
Cheng,Ning & Wang,Ya-Nan Tissue Culture of Tsuga chinensis var. formosana
207 陳永寬、吳守從 應用馬可夫鏈模式預測南仁山生態保護區 地景變遷 234;15(4):317-328 2001
Chen,Yeong-Kuan & Wu,Shou-Tsung Predicting Landscape Change with Markov Chain Model-A Case Study of Nanjenshan Ecological Reserve

Vol. 15 No. 3
196 陳信雄、魏聰輝 塔塔加地區土壤熱傳導度係數之研究 233;15(3):149-156 2001
Chen, Hsin-Hsiung & Wey, Tsong-Huei Studies on Soil Thermal Conductivity in Tatachia Area.
197 李國忠、黃德銘 陳有蘭溪流域土地利用變遷與社經發展之實 證分析 233;15(3):157-176 2001
Lee, Kouchung J & Huang, Te-Mine The Relationship of Land Use Change and Social-Economic Development on Chen Yu-Lan Watershed.
198 劉儒淵、曾家琳、賴明洲 溪頭地區地景結構對細蝶族群在嵌 塊體中分佈之影響 233;15(3):177-189 2001
Liu,Ju-Yuan & Tseng,Chia-Lin & Lai,Ming-Jou The Effect of Landscape Structure on the Distribution of Acraea issoria formosana Population Across the Patches in Xitou Area.
199 陳勁豪、林法勤、王松永 杉木實生林與萌蘗林木材材質差異 之比較 233;15(3):191-201 2001
Chen, Jin-Hao & Lin, Far-Ching & Wang, Song-Yung Comparison of the Wood Property Differences between Seedling and Sprouting Grown of China-fir.
200 陳信雄、邱祈榮、康恬慎 地理資訊系統於石門水庫集水區崩 塌地特性分析之研究 233;15(3):203-222 2001
Chen, Hsin-Hsiun & Chiou, Chyi-Rong & Kang, Tien-Sheng The Application of GIS on Studying the Characteristics of Landslide Areas in The Shi-Meng Reservoir Watershed.
201 王培榕、鄭欽龍 社區居民集體行動之研究-多納村民對森林 議題反應之個案分析 233;15(3):223-235 2001
Wang, Pei-Jung & Zhen, Chin-Long An Analysis of Collective Action of Rural Residents:A Case Study on Dona Villagers'Responses to Forest Events.

Vol. 15 No. 2
190 陳信雄、魏聰輝 塔塔加高山生態系土壤溫度資料之檢定、校 正與補遺 232;15(2):63-75 2001
Chen, Hsin-Hsiung & Wey, Tsong-Huel The Examination, Adjustment and Supplement of Soil Temmperature Data in Tatachia Area.
191 蕭富勝、林文亮 不等機率在森林調查上之應用 232;15(2):77-94 2001
Shiau, Fuh-Sheng & Lin, Wen-Liang Applicationof Unequal Probability on Forest Survey.
192 翁仁憲、廖天賜 微氣象對塔塔加地區兩種亞高山草原植物葉 片溫度之影響 232;15(2):95-107 2001
Weng , Jen-Hsien & Liao, Tien-Szu Effect of Microclimate on Leaf Temperature of two Subalpine Grassland Plants in Tatachia Area.
193 邱祈榮、陳玲雯 造林台帳圖數化作業方法之研究-以南澳事 業區為例 232;15(2):109-120 2001
Chiou, Chyi-Rong & Chen, Ling-Wen Rectification the Historical Plantation Maps-An lllustration of Nan-Ao Working Circle.
194 陳益明 台灣北部大桶山區植群生態學研究 232;15(2):121-141 2001
Chen, Yi-Ming Study of the Vegetation Ecology on Tatung Mountain, Northern Taiwan.
195 傅春旭、張東柱、胡書銘 六種林木種子種媒真菌之初步調查 232;15(2):143-147 2001
Fu, Chuen-Hsu & Chang, Tun-Tschu & Hu, Shu-Ming Preliminary Investigation of Seed-Borne Fungi on Six Tree Species.

Vol. 15 No. 1
184 劉儒淵 溪頭自然教育研習活動執行成效之分析 231;15(1):1-8 2001
Liu, Ju-Yuan Analysis of the Effectiveness of Nature Education Activitiies Held in Xitou Forest Recreation Area.
185 林姿伶、王松永、林法勤 台灣地區合板製程中二氧化碳排放 量與成品碳素貯存量評估 231;15(1):9-13 2001
Lin, Tzu-Ling & Wang, Song-Yung & Lin, Far-Ching Evaluation on Carbon Dioxide Emission and Carbon Storage of Plywood Manufacturing Process in Taiwan.
186 林金樹 空載 DAIS 高光譜資料於濱海地區土地利用分類上之 應用 231;15(1):15-24 2001
Lin,Chin-Su Application of Airborne DAIS Hyperspectral Data on Land Uses Classification of Marine Area.
187 林文亮、王兆桓、陳家玉 台灣地區人工林樹高方程式之建立 231;15(1):25-32 2001
Lin, Tzu-Ling & Wang, Chao-Huan & Chen, Chia-Yu Height-Diameter Equations for Tree Species of Plantations in Taiwan.
188 汪淮、黃國峰 硫氫化鈉對木質素模式化合物脫甲基動力學之 研究 231;15(1):35-46 2001
Wang, Hweig & Huang, Kuo-Feng Studies on the NaSH Demethylation Kinetics of Lignin Model. Compounds.
189 王亞男、章友萱 青剛櫟之組織培養—癒合組織之誘導 231;15(1):47-61 2001
Wang, Ya-Nan & Chang, Yeou-Shuan Tissue Culture of Cyclobalanopsis glauca-The lnducing of Callus.